Thursday, July 09, 2009

Classic MetaLink vs. My Oracle Support

If you are in any way involved with supporting Oracle products, then you know that the death knell for Classic MetaLink has sounded. MetaLink will be unplugged at the end of July 2009.

The new support site, My Oracle Support, seems to be causing some pain for quite a few people in the Oracle user community.

Some of the complaints regard limited platform support due to the Adobe Flash 9 requirements, navigation and response times.

On the other hand there are some cool new features such as Power View, Configuration Manager and the new Advanced Search options.

How do you feel about it?

Here's a chance to let your opinion be know as a poll has been created where you can vote on it.

At this time 637 voters have voiced their opinion about MetaLink and My Oracle Support.

Current Poll results can be found in this Excel File: MetaLink vs My Oracle Support Results