Many DBAs however rely on shell scripting to manage databases. Even if you use OEM for many tasks, you likely use shell scripts to manage some aspects of DBA work.
Lately I have been writing a number of scripts to manage database statistics - gathering, deleting, and importing exporting both to and from statistics tables exp files.
Years ago I started using the shell builtin getopts to gather arguments from the command line. A typical use might look like the following:
while getopts d:u:s:T:t:n: arg
case $arg in
echo TYPE: $TYPE;;
echo OWNER: $OWNER;;
*) echo "invalid argument specified"; usage;exit 1;
In this example, the valid arguments are -d, -u, -s, -T, -t and -n. All of these arguments require a value.
The command line arguments might look like this: -d orcl -u system -s scott
If an invalid argument such as -z is passed, the script will exit with the exit code set to 1.
For the script to work correctly, some checking of the arguments passed to the script must be done.
For this script, the rules are as follows:
- -d and -u must always be set
- -s must be set if -T is 'SCHEMA'
- -t and -n must both have a value or be blank
- -s must be used with -T
In this example, values for -T other than 'SCHEMA' are not being checked.
The usual method (at least for me) to test the validity of command line arguments has always been to use the test, or [] operator with combinations of arguments.
For the command line arguments just discussed, the tests might look like the following:
[ -z "$DATABASE" -o -z "$USERNAME" ] && {
echo Database or Username is blank
exit 2
# include schema name if necessary
[ "$TYPE" == 'SCHEMA' -a -z "$SCHEMA" ] && {
echo Please include schema name
exit 3
# both owner and tablename must have a value, or both be blank
[ \( -z "$TABLE_NAME" -a -n "$OWNER" \) -o \( -n "$TABLE_NAME" -a -z "$OWNER" \) ] && {
echo Please specify both owner and tablename
echo or leave both blank
exit 4
# if -s is set, so must -T
[ -n "$SCHEMA" -a -z "$TYPE" ] && {
echo Please include a type with -T
exit 5
Validating command line arguments really gets difficult with a larger number of possible arguments. Worse yet, any later modifications to the script that require a new command line argument become dreaded tasks that are put off as long as possible due the complexity of testing the validity of command line arguments.
While writing a script that had 11 possible arguments, I was dreading writing the command line argument validation section, I thought there must be a better way.
It seemed that there must be a simple method of using regular expressions to validate combinations of command line arguments. I had never seen this done, and after spending a fair bit of time googling the topic it became apparent that there was not any code available for a cut and paste solution, so it seemed a nice opportunity to be innovative.
After experimenting a bit, I found what I think is a better way.
The method I use is to concatenate all possible command line arguments into a ':' delimited string, and then use a set of pre-prepared regexes to determine whether or not the command line arguments are valid.
One immediately obvious drawback to this method is that arguments containing the ':' character cannot be used. However the delimiting character can easily be changed if needed.
Using the same example as previous, the command line arguments are all concatenated into a string and converted to upper case:
# upper case arges
ALLARGS=$(echo $ALLARGS | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]")
# alphanumeric only, at least 1 character
export ALNUM1="[[:alnum:]]+"
# alphanumeric only, at least 3 characters
export ALNUM3="[[:alnum:]]{3,}"
# username - alphanumeric only at least 3 characters
export USER_RE=$ALNUM3
# database - alphanumeric only at least 3 characters
# owner - alphanumeric and _ and $ characters
export OWNER_RE='[[:alnum:]_$]+'
# table_name - alphanumeric and _, # and $ characters
export TABLE_RE='[[:alnum:]_#$]+'
# schema - alphanumeric and _ and $ characters
export SCHEMA_RE='[[:alnum:]_$]+'
These regular expressions could use further refinement (such as username must start with alpha only ) but are sufficient for this demonstration.
Next, the regular expressions are concatenated together into ':' delimited strings, with each possible command line argument represented either by its corresponding regex, or by null.
The regexes are stuffed into a bash array. For our example, it looks like this:
# : user : db : owner : table : schema : type
Notice that there are four different combitations of command line arguments represented.In all cases the USERNAME and DATABASE are required and must correspond to the regex provided.
In the first combination of arguments, the owner and table must also be specified, and type (-T) must be either one of DICTIONARY_STATS, SYSTEM_STATS or FIXED_OBJECTS_STATS.
In the second possible combination, the only argument allowed in addition to DATABASE and USERNAME is the type (-T) argument.
The third combination requires the OWNER, TABLE_NAME and SCHEMA argument to have a valid value, and the TYPE argument must be set to SCHEMA.
The final combination of arguments requires just the SCHEMA argument and the TYPE argument must be set to SCHEMA, in addition to the USERNAME and DATABASE arguments.
By now you likely want to know just how these regular expressions are tested. The following function is used to test the command line arguments against each regular expression:
function validate_args {
typeset arglist
while shift
[ -z "$1" ] && break
if [ $(echo $arglist | grep -E $1 ) ]; then
return 0
return 1
# VALID_ARGS must NOT be quoted or it will appear as a single arg in the function
validate_args $ALLARGS ${VALID_ARGS[*]}
While this method may appear somewhat confusing at first, it becomes less so after using it a few times. It greatly simplifies the use of many command line arguments that may appear in differing combinations.
As far as I know, this method only works properly with the bash shell. I have done testing on only two shells, bash and ksh. It does not work properly on ksh.
Here's a demonstration of the ksh problem. The following script is run from both ksh and bash:
function va {
echo ARG1: $1
va $R1
va $R2
And here are the results:
18:9-jkstill-18 > ksh t3
ARG1: [[:alnum]]+
ARG1: [[:alnum]]3
[ /home/jkstill/bin ]
jkstill-18 > bash t3
ARG1: [[:alnum]]+
ARG1: [[:alnum]]{3,}
[ /home/jkstill/bin ]
One other drawback you may have noticed with this method of validating command line arguments is that when an error condition is encountered, the exit code is always 1. With the [] method it was easy to exit with different codes to indicate the nature of the error. Something similar could likely be done by embedding a code into each set of regexes, but I will leave that as an exercise for the reader.
The complete prototype script, as well as a test script can be downloaded:
The next article will include a set of functions used along with the validate_args() function to make shell scripts a bit more robust.